Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's Official

It's official, I am totally smitten. It never takes much, but it also doesn't happen very often. Now if you read my blog, you know I am boy crazy, but I am not crazy about most boys. There is a big difference. I am a notorious commitment-phobe or judge things way too quickly, which usually makes things into a big sloppy mess. But this boy, I could be crazy about. We shall call him Brian. Brian is TALL--and contrary to popular belief, I love tall boys. But when the pickings are slim, that is the first thing to go out the window. I also think he resembles my celebrity crush, Eduardo Najera, a little. He has the coolest job... but I won't tell you because that might give something away. He's also hilarious, quotes Seinfeld, and knows about the Chuck Norris Facts. There are two cons: 1) he dated a sorority sister of mine--honestly though, if you are Latino in Denver you have most likely dated one of the us. And #2) he lives with my arch rival, whom we shall call Sammy. Sammy is also a journalist and friends with Gabe. I don't think Sammy is a bad person, I just don't like the way I have seen him treat women, and I don't feel the need to pretend to be OK with it.
Where am I going with all of this? Oh yeah... me being smitten.
Misogynistic roommates and sorority sisters aside, this guy is something. So much something I am day dreaming about him at 10:30 in the morning at work and had to write about him because I thought maybe that would get him off my mind a little.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Last Chance at Happiness?

Are you fucking kidding me? The Last Kiss is the biggest dissapointment thus far. I think Romantic dramas are the most under done films in Hollywood because honestly, all of our romances are dramatic enough. With that said I still love Closer. Maybe it was Clive Owen. But at least those people were fucked up, and mean to eachother, and good actors? And I don't know, and it seemed like someone who read more than a newspaper and watched Entertainment Tonight wrote the damn thing. And Natalie Portman was "the young girl" but my God, she had brains. Anyone who can fuck Jude Law over is cool in book. Rachel Bilson did little to further the plight of young women trying to have a meaningful life and meet a man that is perhaps worth a shit. Ehhh, don't rent that movie unless you want to raise your blood pressure and hate everyone you see for the next 24 hours.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

When It Rains, It Pours

When you have one fight with a friend, you can blame them. When you have two fights with two friends within the same 24 Hour period, you can't help but blame yourself.
The first fight was with Shaunae regarding some information about Alba's new interest. I had already known some things about him that I wasn't necessarily comfortable knowing. However, this last tidbit of information was the final straw. And although I promised her I would not tell Alba, I told her. I later texted Shaunae that I had told Alba. She FREAKED out. To the point where this occured Friday night, and as of midnight last night I was still getting rather lengthy, and very angry, text message from her. But too bad! Why? Because some secrets, no matter what is at stake, need to be told. If any of you were dating someone with a past that I knew about, I would tell you. This issue hits particularly close to home for me, because Jordan had an extensive past that many of my friends seemed to know about, but never thought to tell me. I would have welcomed the information. It would have hurt but not hurt more than constantly wondering why it was that some friends never seemed to embrace him. Or always seemed so cold around him. So consider this your warning, if any of you tell me a secret that involves the personal life of another loved one (and can help them out) or you leak some potentially dangerous CIA secrets, I will tell someone. I am no priest, I have no vows to uphold. When a secret you have is not your own, and can affect someone else, what makes you think it is your secret to tell and keep?
I bet I sound like an awful friend.
The second fight is so much more girly and melo-dramatic. Yesterday morning I was on the phone with Harry while I was still in bed. He asks how I am doing, if I am freezing my ass off, etc. He then proceeds to tell me about a party that he went to. And how he began talking to this beautiful girl. He throws in there that he took her home. I ask, "Is she still there with you?" He says, "No, I got rid of her at 6 this, what are you wearing?" I wanted to say "Sweat pants motherfucker, it's cold!" but instead I got quiet and just said something lame like, "I have to go... " Him: "What happened, what did I say?" Me: "I don't want to be sloppy seconds, even if it is over the phone. I am going to go now." Him:"First of all I was joking, but... you know what? I'll talk to you later." I wrote him a text to apologize and I get a text about 20 minutes later saying that this whole thing is wrong, and it's not fair to either of us. Have a great weekend. I think I was overly sensitive given my argument with Shaunae and that set it off. We joke like that all the time. He asks me who I'm seeing, I ask him who he's seeing. It's always been a pretty mutual understanding. And I totally got dramatic on him. That one was my bad.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!
Thank God for Slinky and the book Beneath a Marble Sky, oh, and BettyLou's (previously mentioned as Muffin in this blog) delicious brownies. And long walks in Washington Park, getting my hair done, and the movie Volver (those women had real issues). Yesterday was completely emotionally draining. I am so glad I woke up to Slinky's wet kisses, it's a sign it is going to be a much better day.

Friday, January 5, 2007


I apologize for not posting to you, Mr. Blog. It's unfortunate but good, I got an actual diary. I feel like diaries have special energies and the last few I've purchased had no energy, or bad energy. Every time I wrote in them it would be about bad things and so I lost my interest. This diary, that my auntie Susan bought me for Christmas has fantastic energy and I have been writing things from haunting dreams to observations and resolutions for the New Year.

Here's the quick and dirty. I partied way too hard on New Years and during the blizzards. But the blizzards were a blast! I went to Florida in between B1 and B2. Which was nice to be with my family during the holidays, but a huge cluster fuck. It was much too rushed and my nerves were a mess, causing me to be cranky and tired. I feel asleep every time we got in the car to go somewhere. Of course, I think that has to do with the fact that everywhere is so far in Florida.

On the man front: There is a new interest, I shall call him TTB. He is very sweet and really easy to talk to, not to mention a great kisser. I really enjoying spending time with him and he is totally that person I can have a serious conversation with, but I don't feel embarrassed to me my normal silly, goofy self. I worry because I think we went a little too far last night and I started getting my regular "commitment anxiety." I had to convince myself to stay over, NOT to run away right away. Which turned into a bit of a disaster because Slinky, only I can love him, was being his regular hyper self and annoying the other dog in the room. I of course knew this would happen, Slinky does not settle down unless he is forced to. Which is why for now, I crate him. Some may think it is cruel, but he knows when it's time to "settle down" and he goes in there on his own accord. Dogs are den animals, and it is like his bedroom. So anyway, I wound up being kindly asked to leave at 1:30 in the morning when Slinky just couldn't calm down. Which is fine, I love my bed and my pillows and nothing made me happier than to read my book and fall asleep in my bed, ALONE! Can you sense the overflowing commitment issues here? I am like Freud's wet dream, and yes, I have daddy issues too.

I really have a lot of hope and goals for this year, and I think chasing guys could really get in the way of that. I am getting off to a good start by the way (sense the irony). So we shall see. And there is always pinche Harry. I think it may be good to hold him on this pedestal, just to keep me away from worrying about any other men around here. Because honestly, I can't go have coffee with a guy without compairing him to Harry. I'd love to go visit him in LA, especially right now, however I can't. I can't give myself to him like that (I visited in September! And then met him in Orlando in October--it is his turn to seek me out). And I fear, one more time with him and I will officially be infatuated. Then I will be doomed. Ahhh, who am I kidding, I am already infatuated with him and I am already completely doomed.