Monday, January 14, 2008

Dolphins and Pregnancy

Originally posted on myspace on 11/6/2007
Dolphins and pregnancy
As some of you know, I tend to have the strangest dreams. Last night was no exception. At first I was at the beach, and was watching the water when I noticed to dorsal fins. Those two fins belonged to sharks. But right as I got scared, they were followed by 4 dolphins. I am not sure what happened in between that time and what happened next in my dream, but the next thing I remember I was tossing and turning in bed, only to find that I was sleeping on my stomach, and it was incredibly painful. I reached down to feel my stomach and felt a very pregnant belly. I turned over and looked at my stomach, and I was definetly pregnant.
Thank goodness my boyfriend does not have myspace, because he would be long gone. Thank goodness I don't believe in literal interpretations of dreams either, because I would be long gone as well. I looked up the meanings of the two prominent symbols and this is what they mean:
Dolphins: Dolphins represent friendliness, communal living, rescue, communication, and affection. They are water dwelling mammals and in our dreams they represent our willingness and ability to navigate through emotions. They represent positive messages from our unconscious minds. Dolphins could also represent a positive connection between our consciousness and to those parts of the psyche that is a mystery and largely unconscious.
Pregnancy: symbolizes being "pregnant" with ideas and is a good omen for women.
I think this is good for me because I am going through a point in life where I am facing a lot of change and need to rely on something greater than myself (my friends, my family, my spirituality) to guide me through to the right path. Next time I write in this blog, I am sure it will be about some major changes in my life!